Contribute To The Pedal Factory
The People, The Faces & All Of The Places!
We rely on the generosity of donors to keep our community’s pedals turning.
From securing a space to build and store bikes, to purchasing needed parts, to providing a kid with their very own bike, it takes donations and volunteers of all kinds to get the job done! When you give to the Pedal Factory, you help strengthen the Salisbury community. All donations are tax-deductible.
We accept cash donations, volunteer time, shop and cleaning supplies, bicycle racks, helmets, bicycles and bicycle parts - ANY CONDITION, ANY KIND. We practice recycling as well as upcycling. Most bicycles have parts or at least the frameset that can be used again to build a functional ride.
ALL items that can not be salvaged are recycled responsibly at The Pedal Factory. Bicycle parts and all donations can be dropped off at The Pedal Factory by appointment or on an open work day - just email, text or message us on social media to coordinate a time.